Saturday, January 16, 2010

This is who we are...if you disagree, feel free to not read.

I have been called a hippy, but I prefer the label-crunchy. Yes, I am a granola kinda person. I believe in breastfeeding, child-led weaning, delayed/selective vaccinating, babywearing, cloth diapering.

Breastfed all 3 of my girls and totally wouldn't have minded them nursing longer but they each chose to wean on their own at or around 6-9 months. Oh and a side note about NIP...I don't get the drama surrounding it. WHY do ppl freak out? Bottle-feeding in public isn't frowned upon...same difference, just a different way of feeding. I won't go on unless asked b/c I could definately go on and on...its one of my soapboxes.

We have delayed both Bethany & Emma's vaccinating schedule. I don't mind them getting most their shots but I don't believe that their little bodies need to be bombarded with 5-7 shots every 2 months that first year. We also do not get the flu shots. We wash hands regularly and keep the house wiped/lysoled/cleaned. I know that every child will get sick at some point, we will deal with it when it comes. So far my girls have done totally fine without the flu shot for the past 4 years and I don't plan on them getting the H1N1 either.

While I don't mind taking my kids out in a stroller (kinda hard to jog with a 3 yr old wrapped on you)I prefer to wear my kids. Granted they don't prefer to be wron anymore so we generally don't babywear much at this point. The most recently I bw one of my kids is Emma this past July at Disney World.
I have however worn my 4 and 6 yr old on both my back and my husbands within the past year. (obviously not the 6 yr old for long periods...she just like to do what her baby sister was doing)
I leave it up to the comfort of the child being worn. If they want to be worn, fine, if not, ok. Mostly all 3 prefer to walk at this point.

Cloth Diapering
Its not the prefolds and plastic pants of the 50's. Cloth diapering has come a LONG way from that. Some of my favorites have been waterproof pockets (waterproof shell with a microfleece inside that wicks away moisture from baby's butt to whatever you chose to stuff into the pocket...microfiber auto towels work great!):
All-in-ones(waterproof shell with a microfleec or flannel inside that touches baby, with a flannel or microfiber inside all sewn together so that it goes on and comes off like a disposable):

These 2 are great for out and about trips. For at home I also tried my hand at the prefolds and fitted diapers with a cover...not plastic pants but with wool as a cover. While it is not WATERPROOF it IS water-RESISTANT. Any cover is only as good as the diaper under it. :) I really enjoyed my venture into wool...expensive though it was. lol Dom is glad that Emma is potty trained for sure. rofl Some of my favorites:
Interlock wool:

See?!?!?! Diapering your child can be CUTE and FUN!! I found that especially with Emma that it wasn't a FIGHT to change her diaper with cloth diapers. She loved picking out which she would wear next. I know there are also those that GAG at the thought of dipping a pooped diaper in the toliet, again not your grandmothers diapering world. They make sprayers (much like a sink sprayer) that attaches to your toliet hook-up. When you need to clean off a diaper, simply hold it over the toliet bowl and spray it off! Easy-peasy!

Now that you are probably asleep...I will end my "book". Any questions, feel free to ask!


  1. Since you are letting us know, how do you feel about organic foods? Did/Do you make your own baby food? (I tried it for the first time the other day...)

  2. I bought some, I made some. I tended to made the ones they didn't make avacados, ummm...goodness this was forever ago...let me think more on it. lol
    As for organic..I would LOVE to go all organic but since dh buys the groceries and does the cooking...the choice is not mine to make.

  3. Wow-he does all the cooking-that's awesome! Are there any foods you shouldn't or can't turn into baby food? What about frozen fruits and vegetables?

  4. have to remember...this was the guy who spent all 4 years in food service, four winds, catering, etc. He ENJOYS cooking so I leave it to Ummm...lets see for ones you shouldn't do...gosh I don't know. Forzen is just have to boil them til they are soft enough to mash up.
