Wednesday, February 24, 2010


I read the story tonight of a friend who gave birth to her 2nd child, and to find out only when they placed her in her arms that her little angel had Downs Syndrome. She told of the love, but also the grief, the tears, the fears. (while my daughter does not have DS, she does have Autism & developmental delays)

Until a parent is told that their child is special needs, I don't think anyone can understand that, while we LOVE our child, more than life itself, we still cry. We still greive for what we have lost. Even if it is only the loss of the life we thought our child would have. We cry b/c the unknown of parenting a special needs child is scary & overwhelming, and there is that fear of simply the unknown. My mind raced from will she be able to go to college? Will she be able to date? Get married? Have a family? Or the basic of...will I ever hear the words, "I love you" from my daughter...and have her understand what she is saying and MEAN it. Fortunately I HAVE had that privilege. My daughter HAS reached the point where (although only briefly) she will make eye contact and say I love you. She has reached a the point of greeting others and showering them with hugs and smiles. This is truely something I didn't know if or when she would ever do it. I am so greatful for the progress she has made. I love Abby. I know she was placed in my life for a reason. I might not understand that reason right now, and there are days that I find myself confused, frustrated and at my wits end trying to figure out how to parent this complicated child...but I know God has a plan for her. She is a special gem that he gave to me and blunder though I will through her growing up years, my hope is that she will live, laugh, & love life...even if she does it differently than most people. I am blessed to have her in my life.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Daddy/Daughter Dance

This was Abby's 1st year going and BOY was she excited about it!!! Mommy went all out with the prep, curlers, make-up, nail polish, body spray. It's a once a year thing and being abby's 1st I wanted to make it the most special night of her year. They had a BLAST (Bethany went too) and daddy was happy that they both behaved's to hoping that he consents to Emma going next year. Not sure he will be ok with taking all 3 by himself.

Awww, daddy got us roses!


umm...Bethany is really getting into it...

Monday, February 8, 2010

MORE snow!

They're calling for 14 more inches between tomorrow and wednesday. I am REALLY hoping this is IT for the winter. Could just shoot the blasted ground hog. :P He wasn't joking about 6 more weeks of winter. Hoping that next week is a NORMAL week with school, therapy, dance lessons, awana, etc. With the base at Code Red (totally shut down except for MP's & Snow plowing ppl) for like Day 3, there isn't much to do. We are all kinda gamed out by now and the snow is really too deep to play in easily. But we DID manage to have fun making snow caves today!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Blizzard of 2010

That's what they are calling it here in VA. We got around 20" here. Girls weren't too keen playing in it since it was up to their waists. Took 4 hrs to clear the driveway. But its done. Sad thing is we are getting dumped on again in 2 days and I don't think this will even be halfway melted by then.


Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Gymnastics Day!

Or in Emma's words, "Jimmy-nastics!!" She was so excited about her "STAR" leotard and her new CARS bag I made for her specially for her dance/gym class. I was a little bummed that we couldn't sit in the class to watch...but I still got pics...even if they weren't the best.


Abby had her 1st class tonight. She is SUCH a natural at this! She doesn't quite have the coordination down yet for a cartwheel, but she did REALLY well in everything else...especially considering this is her 1st class.